The Arthashastra by Kautilya (Chanakya) PDF Free Download

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Free PDF Books Download Information

  • PDF Name: The Arthashastra
  • Author: Kautilya (Chanakya)
  • Book’s Language: English
  • Published Year: 1909
  • Pages: 871
  • File Size: 12.52 MB
  • Downloads Type: Free PDF Download Books
  • PDF File Name: The-Arthashastra-PDFRat-.pdf
  • Read PDF Online: Read The Arthashastra Book PDF Online
  • Category of the Book: Education
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Summary of The Arthashastra by Kautilya (Chanakya)

Sanskrit “the science of wealth” or “politics” is Arthashastra. One hundred fifty chapters make up 15 books. The book was likely composed between the 4th and 2nd centuries BCE. The Arthashastra was rediscovered in the early 20th century and translated into various languages.

This article discusses Arthashastra’s main principles and their relevance today.

Who is the author of Arthashastra / Who wrote the book Arthashastra?

Kautilya, known as Chanakya was the author of Arthashastra.

The Philosophy of Kautilya’s The Arthashastra

The Arthashastra promotes responsibility, fairness, and righteousness through dharma. The text states that the monarch must protect his subjects and maintain order. It stresses the ruler’s morality and integrity.

The Arthashastra states that the state’s goal is justice and prosperity. The passage suggests a hierarchical polity with the king at the top and ministers, bureaucrats, and commoners below. The king is in charge of order and his subjects’ well-being.

The text also stresses economic success for the state. It suggests the state should promote agriculture, manufacturing, and trade. The Arthashastra details taxation, business, and commerce.

Content of The Arthashastra

The 15-book Arthashastra covers a variety of government and political themes.

  • The first book summarizes the treatise and emphasizes governance’s role in the social order.
  • The second book discusses kingly duties and leadership qualities.
  • The third volume emphasizes foreign policy relationships and diplomacy. Kautilya stresses the necessity of good relations with neighboring states and the king’s awareness of their politics.
  • The fourth book discusses intelligence gathering and political spies. Kautilya advises building a robust intelligence network to monitor neighboring kingdoms and potential threats to the state.
  • The fifth volume examines administration styles and how efficient governance maintains societal order. Kautilya discusses administrative skills and delegation.
  • The sixth book covers taxes and the economy. Kautilya advises the monarch on treasury and revenue management and stresses the significance of a healthy economy for state stability.
  • The seventh volume discusses the military’s role in government and how a strong military protects the state from outside threats.
  • The eighth book covers law and justice. Kautilya emphasizes justice and crime punishment.
  • Spies and intelligence networks are discussed in the ninth book.
  • The tenth book discusses religion’s position and the king’s role in religious tolerance.
  • The eleventh volume discusses women in society and gender equality’s significance in the social order.
  • The twelfth book emphasizes education and the state’s role in encouraging literacy.
  • The thirteenth book covers battle and strategy. Kautilya outlines army structure and intelligence collection in military engagements.
  • The fourteenth volume emphasizes agriculture and the state’s role in developing it.
  • In the fifteenth and final book, trade and commerce are key to a strong economy.

Significance of The Arthashastra

The Arthashastra has shaped Indian politics and government. This comprehensive governance guide covers politics, economics, and society.

The Arthashastra stresses the significance of competent government in the social order. Kautilya describes good rulers and highlights the importance of delegation of authority and efficient administration in maintaining a stable state.

The Arthashastra also stressed foreign policy and diplomacy. Kautilya emphasizes the necessity of alliances and a strong intelligence network for regional security.

The Arthashastra also includes economic and taxes guidelines. Kautilya advises the monarch on treasury and revenue management and stresses the significance of a healthy economy for state stability. Financial management and trade promotion have shaped Indian economic policy.

The Arthashastra also outlines military organization and control. Kautilya outlines army structure and intelligence collection in military engagements. Military strategy has shaped Indian military policy.

The Arthashastra also influenced Indian politics. It includes politics, economy, and society in a comprehensive governing handbook. The book emphasizes effective governance, the king’s role in the social order, and foreign policy and diplomacy in regional security and stability.

Religion, education, and gender equality sustain social order, according to the text. Kautilya emphasizes religious tolerance and the state’s role in education and literacy. He stresses gender equality and women’s roles.

The Arthashastra’s long-term effects

The Arthashastra has shaped Indian politics. This comprehensive governance guide covers politics, economics, and society.

The importance of effective governance, the king’s role in the social order, and foreign policy and diplomacy in regional security and stability have shaped Indian political thinking and governance.

Economic management and trade promotion have shaped Indian economic policy. Military organization and management rules have shaped Indian military strategy and policy.

Religion, education, and gender equality also shaped Indian society. The book emphasizes religious concord and tolerance, state education and literacy, and gender equality in the social order.


The book emphasizes effective governance, the king’s role in the social order, and foreign policy and diplomacy in regional security and stability. The book also covers the military structure, economic and taxes management, and trade and commerce development.

The book shaped Indian economic policy, military strategy, and society. Religion, education, and gender equality are stressed in the book to maintain social order, which has shaped Indian society.

The Arthashastra has had a lasting impact on Indian politics and society.

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