Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin PDF Free Download

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Free PDF Books Download Information

  • PDF Name: Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin
  • Editor: Stephen Fortescue
  • Book’s Language: English
  • Published Year: 2010
  • Pages: 240
  • File Size: 589 KB
  • Downloads Type: Free PDF Download Books
  • PDF File Name: Russian-Politics-from-Lenin-to-Putin-PDFRat-.pdf
  • Read PDF Online: Read Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin Book PDF Online
  • Category of the Book: Politics & Laws
  • File Information: This PDF Free Download, Read Online and Print at
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Summary of Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin

“Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin” highlights.

  1. It covers Russian politics from Lenin to Putin.
  2. The author analyzes Russia’s political history, ideology, and major events.
  3. The document covers Lenin’s founding of the USSR and Stalin’s ascension.
  4. It addresses Russia’s World War II impact and Communist Party consolidation.
  5. Nikita Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization campaign denounced Stalin’s dictatorial authority.
  6. It addresses glasnost, perestroika, and the Soviet Union’s collapse under Mikhail Gorbachev.
  7. Economic hardship, political upheaval, and oligarchy characterized the 1990s.
  8. It examines Vladimir Putin’s political rise, power consolidation, and presidency changes.
  9. The pamphlet concerns state-controlled media and Putin’s political repression.
  10. The annexation of Crimea, hostilities in Ukraine and Syria, and strained relations with the West are examined.
  11. The document shows Putin’s popularity among some Russians and his control issues.
  12. It closes by examining Russia’s future and global politics.

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