The Complete Guide to Fasting PDF Free Download

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Free PDF Books Download Information

  • PDF Name: The Complete Guide to Fasting
  • Author: Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore
  • Book’s Language: English
  • Published Year: 2016
  • Pages: 285
  • File Size: 4.31 MB
  • Downloads Type: Free PDF Download Books
  • PDF File Name: The-Complete-Guide-to-Fasting.pdf
  • Read PDF Online: Read The Complete Guide to Fasting Book PDF Online
  • Category of the Book: Health & Fitness
  • File Information: This PDF Free Download, Read Online and Print at
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Summary of The Complete Guide to Fasting by Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore

“The Complete Guide to Fasting” contains everything about fasting. Document highlights:

  • What’s fasting?
  1. Fasting involves abstaining from food and sometimes alcohol.
  • Why quickly?
  1. Fasting reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces weight.
  • Fasting methods:
  1. Intermittent fasting: eating and fasting alternately.
  2. Fasting for more than 24 hours
  3. Time-restricted eating: eating inside a certain window each day
  • Precautions:
  1. Pregnant women, children, and those with medical issues may not fast.
  2. Stay hydrated and listen to your body during fasting.
  • Fast:
  1. Start with shorter fasts and gradually lengthen them.
  2. Find a fasting protocol you like.
  3. Avoid food thoughts by keeping occupied during the fast.
  4. Fast-breaking:
  5. Slowly and nutritiously break the fast.
  6. Overeating after fasting can create intestinal difficulties.
  • Conclusion:
  1. Fasting improves health safely and effectively.
  2. Before fasting, investigate and see a doctor.

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